Emotional transformation for HSPs

When you feel grounded & good enough you can focus on changing y(our) world!

If you know you are here to make a difference but you are overwhelmed & doubting what’s possible then I am here to help


Hey, I’m Katie! I am a Change Y(our) World Coach, EFT Tapping Practitioner and HSP Specialist dedicated to helping sensitive and empathic folks like you feel grounded and good enough.

As a fellow Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), I know that our heightened sensory awareness is an incredible gift, enabling us to offer unique insights and support to others. But let's be real, sometimes it feels like we're drowning in the chaos and we start seriously doubting ourselves.

If your sensitive nervous system feels like more of a burden than a blessing then you’re in the right place.

I’m a proud member of the HSP Club! So I totally get how sometimes it feels like you’re wearing your heart on the outside, like you’re too much and not enough all at once and like if one more thing goes wrong you’re going to get under the duvet and never come out.

I also have first-hand experience of how stress and a lack of confidence and self-belief can keep us stuck. They drain our energy and divert our focus from making the difference that only we can make.

The secret is about knowing, accepting and nurturing yourself as you are today. From this grounded place, you can start to shift the energetic field you are in - the one that isn’t bringing in the results you desire. You get to change your perspective and shift the field to bring in what it is you actually want, instead of focusing on fixing all the things that are “wrong” with you.

Shifting the field allows you to share your extraordinary gifts with unwavering confidence and not let the world’s noise overwhelm you.

After working with me you will not only feel more capable and confident but you will have the tools to create these states whenever you need to. You won't be so easily knocked off balance anymore, you'll be able to take things in your stride more.

You will know your value in this world and be confident in sharing it.

You will feel ready and excited to make positive changes in your life!

From this place what is possible for you? ​

Learn to feel grounded & good enough so that you can create the transformative impact you desire in the world.

Many highly sensitive people experience overstimulation, fear of failure or have low self-esteem. As a result, their talents fail to reach their full potential.
— Esther Bergsma - The Brain of the Highly Sensitive Person

Change Your Belief
Change Y(our) World

A 6 week tailored 1:1 programme

For sensitive people who are ready to change their limiting beliefs and change their lives.

Through my personalised coaching programme, I’ll work alongside you to help you lovingly release the limiting belief keeping you stuck.

Together you and I will compassionately rewire it so you can easily and confidently make the changes that will create more freedom, ease and delight in your life!

I'll help you clear the root cause of this pattern so you can change your perspective and embody a whole new illuminated energy aka shift the field.

I combine the practices of EFT tapping, Bach Flower Essences, Human Design & Gene Keys, and Botanical Enlightenment - my own way of connecting to the energy through photos of your chosen plant ally.