How my belief caused a breakdown

How do I know if I am an HSP?
What is a Highly Sensitive Person and how do I know if I am one?
A Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is someone who has a very (re-)active nervous system - it is taking in large amounts of sensory information and deeply processing it.
Read on to discover if you are an HSP…

How to tap - clear the everyday issues
Learn where the tapping points are and how to tap so that you can clear the everyday issues easily

New beginnings with the Spring Equinox & Aries New Moon
Journaling prompts and a tapping script to help you clarify what you want in life & how to clear what's stopping you from getting it

How knowing my Human Design changed my perspective and brought me more ease, flow and delight
Three things I discovered about my HD that profoundly changed my life and led to me finding my mission in life.

5 min Energy Grounding Meditation for HSPs
A quick but super effective daily meditation to cleanse, ground and protect your energy & boost your coping skills

Journaling Styles
Journaling inspiration for doing the inner work, getting to know yourself and connecting to your magic.

Know yourself. Connect to your magic.
The power of journaling to discover your unique purpose.

What does it mean to feel grounded?
How does taking your shoes and socks off and going barefoot on the grass help bring you back to balance?
Sounds a bit airy fairy, but there is solid science behind this practice known as earthing. It is all to do with nature's most powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecules - free electrons. "It can set the biological clock, regulate circadian rhythms, and balance cortisol levels." Journal of Environmental & Public Health.

How nature can bring us back to balance
The science behind the healing power of plants. How do woods kill virally infected cells?