Change Your Belief
Change Y(our) World
is a 6 week one-to-one adventure for you to discover and transform the limiting belief that's keeping you stuck.
Together you and I will compassionately rewire it so you can easily and confidently make the changes that will create more freedom, ease and delight in your life!

You feel stuck. This is not how you expected your life to turn out…
You were sure you would be living the dream by this age and it is definitely not for the want of trying that it isn’t happening.
In fact you’re not sure why it isn’t happening. You were so sure it would.
All you know is that this is not how you want to be living anymore.
You’re tired of wanting things to change and trying all the things but still never passing go to achieve that next step.
You’re so tired of feeling bad about yourself.
Whether that thing is starting your own business or going for the job of your dreams or figuring out what’s next for you, I can help you finally pass go and actually create what you desire!
I am an expert in feeling both incredibly positive, driven and full of possibilities AND completely held back by some invisible force that means you don’t feel good enough/ready yet.
It’s like an invisible hand is holding you in place, and with all the positive thinking and goodwill in the world you’re just treading water, whilst watching your dreams float past. It is the most frustrating place to be. You want what you want so badly but it always seems so far away, so over there, not right here in this reality. Yet…
What are you growing?
When we are in this incredibly annoying and frustrating place, gritting our teeth and trying to be happy with what we’ve got, whilst also deeply craving something else, we are telling ourselves a story about the situation.
In some cases this story is obvious - “I am NOT ready. I need to do 10 more courses and read 58 more books and then I will be ready!”
In others it isn’t so obvious, “I just keep hitting blocks and I am tired of the struggle”. Or “I am not really sure what I should do next but I know I am not happy where I am right now.”
This story is like a seed.
Every single seed has the potential to grow into something.
A great question to ask yourself is “am I sowing seeds for possibilities that I desire or possibilities that I fear?”
In other words where are you putting all your attention?
If it is on the frustration and the reasons why you can’t launch the thing, give the talk, write the book, start out on your own, then that is the seed you are nurturing to grow bigger.
I get it
It is really bloody hard to change your negative thoughts on your own. There’s a reason for that and it is called “negativity bias”. It is something that kept us alive as cave people but does the opposite in most of our day to day lives now.
The way around this is to help your brain and body to feel super safe, this is like a key to unlock the door to your subconscious mind. This is where your stories are held. This is where we want to be so we can re-write them into what you want, not keep them stuck focusing on what you don’t.
Working with somebody like me can actually supercharge this process because your subconscious can be sneaky. It does NOT want you to change, it does not want to expend masses of energy in rewriting your brain pathways. It wants everything to stay nice and safe and the same and it will do everything in its power to stop you changing…. But I am especially equipped to get around this!

How you’ll feel
more confident and excited to take the brave next step
I’m Katie
As an HSP, the way my intuitive magic shows up is:
Expansion Magic - being able to see the expansive possibilities available, the big vision for you
Recognition Magic - being able to recognise patterns, i.e. patterns that have been keeping you stuck, patterns causing you to have this limiting belief
Compassion Magic - Having deep compassion for my clients and what they’re going through - one of my biggest purposes in life is to help people feel understood. There’s a big difference between compassion and feeling sorry for someone. I never see my clients as helpless people who need saving by me.
My high sensory intelligence shows up in my body as a particular feeling when something you’re saying is in alignment with your truth. It also leads me to where the gold is.
All this makes me a pretty good belief detective. Added to this my own life experience as an HSP who has struggled with my own self-belief means I know exactly how you feel and I have the skills to help you transform these limiting beliefs.
Who is it for?
For HSPs, sensitives, empaths and creatives who desire to change the(ir) world (have a positive impact on their own lives AND the lives of others)
but don't feel ______ enough, or are stuck, can't stop second-guessing themselves, are too overwhelmed, know something needs to change but don't know what, or just keep making the same mistakes and never passing go
and have reached the place where enough is enough.
They are not willing to compromise and live like this anymore. They know there is more to life and that none of us should have to settle for less than we desire.
Sensitive people who are ready to change their beliefs and change their lives.
Do you desire to...
feel ready to take that next step in your life? You know the one that you have been procrastinating on for the last .... hmm best not count actually..
stop feeling stuck and alone? Instead, feel clear and supported by someone who understands you and is here to walk beside you and help you feel braver.
attract opportunities and people that you actually desire rather than what you don't? Get what you want not what you fear?
feel clear and confident about your next step and have the excitement, motivation and courage to finally take it?
experience more ease, flow, and delight when being brave and making these changes?
enjoy the far-reaching benefits of a more regulated nervous system?
feel less emotional reactivity?
feel less overwhelm?
enjoy better sleep?
enjoy smoother relationships?
feel confident as you discover and embody your transformational energy? This is the key to your freedom and experiencing what you desire.
discover the flower essences that can clear away the old stuck energy and help you to embody your new energy?
understand yourself on a deeper level so that you can feel confident in what you have to offer?
What if you could change your belief in a few sessions without changing a thing about yourself?
What if you could change the way you see yourself instead of changing yourself?
So much easier and less effort and REALLY impactful on your life!
When I went through my own rock bottom moment, I would’ve done anything not to feel completely alone in it, to have someone on my side who really understood what I was going through as an HSP. To feel like I had someone to walk beside me and help me find the way out of the deep dark forest and back out into the light without judging me and making me feel helpless.
So I created it myself! Using my first-hand experience of feeling like nothing would ever change and feeling alone and bloody miserable, I crafted my business around exactly what I needed at that time.
What can I expect?
If you're like me you feel better when you know what to expect (*waves hello to your deeply feeling nervous system).
Embark on a 6-week adventure designed to help you KNOW, ACCEPT, RELEASE, ADOPT & TRANSFORM your beliefs.
KNOW the belief that is no longer serving you
ACCEPT the way you feel instead of resisting it
RELEASE the energy associated with this belief and it’s hold over you
ADOPT a new belief, one that serves you and what you want now
TRANSFORM your life and make the changes you desire with ease, as you embody your new belief
Our adventure begins with a magical Botanical Enlightenment session. By connecting with and photographing a plant ally, you'll uncover the belief ready for transformation at this time. I'll tune in to your plant's energy through your images and integrate insights with details of your Human Design and Gene Keys. Don’t worry this is not about your photography skills, but rather about discovering the story you are telling yourself.
Join me to experience synchronicities and insights that will illuminate your path, just as it has for previous clients!
"OMG I am literally buzzing and tingling all over as I write this!!! Thank you so much - the synchronicities and insights - just amazing! I have never been more sure that signing up for this course is the right thing. So grateful for you and that our paths crossed."
Happy Client
As an EFT Practitioner, I use tapping and other energy medicine exercises to calm your nervous system and help you accept the way you feel. What you resist persists. This process supports you in exploring parts of yourself you might have avoided on your own. This is where true change takes root.
By accepting how you feel and accepting that this belief may have served you at some point in your life, you can start to release the blocked energy and therefore its hold on you.
You will receive a beautiful hardback journal to guide any releasing you feel drawn to between sessions.
Adopt a new belief in service of what you DO want in life and stop feeding energy to the belief that is bringing you more of what you don’t want.
This is where having me to walk alongside you will help you shed old patterns and step confidently into a new way of being. With my compassionate support, you’ll navigate this path with ease, even during challenging moments, when you may want to chuck the towel in.
As my mentor Darla LeDoux says "ahas are cheap, integration is priceless".
Think of the first half of our time as me helping you to take off an old ill-fitting coat and put on a new one. This second half is all about me helping you to remember to put that new coat back on when you are faltering. When you are sinking back into old patterns and ways of thinking.
Having somebody who lovingly holds you with compassion when you are struggling to put the new coat on is such a powerful part of our adventure together.
Like all adventures, there will be ups and downs and moments of getting lost and wanting to give the whole thing up.
Like all adventures, this one is much better with someone by your side, walking the path with you and helping to ground you, lift you up or redirect you when you lose your way.
Especially when walking with someone who has been through the fire herself and would've really loved to have had someone in her corner (you create what you need!).
We don't just pull the weed up and leave a hole in the soil. We plant a new seed and nurture it together.
Our work together is a trinity. You, me and Mother Nature. We can each stand in our own power but we rise even higher together. Synergy in action!
The magic of botanicals (Bach Flower Essences and essential oils placed on acupoints) will also be supporting you in this transformation by clearing old energies and helping to stabilise your new inspired belief as you make it your new standard, your automatic way of thinking and responding. This transformed expansive belief calls in what you actually want, instead of what you fear.
Join me and experience the synchronicities and insights that have transformed the lives of many.
Let this journey be your path to the change you really desire whilst feeling supported.
Each session is bespoke to you and your needs but will always be
A safe non-judgmental space to feel heard, understood and supported
A place to tune into your own wisdom
A place to regulate your nervous system so you can think clearly and access parts of you that aren’t available when you are stressed out
A grounded place to allow yourself to dream big
A place where you feel safe enough to go there, to the places your subconscious does not want you to visit. This is where the magic can happen.
A place to feel held and contained as well as inspired and encouraged to fly!
Happy Clients
“When I took Katie's program, I started out skeptical not knowing exactly what we would do or where we were going, but I was open to change and so we dove in. We explored some roots from my childhood of not taking action because I was waiting for "the other shoe to drop". I didn't even really know what that meant lol, but it was a pattern that I defaulted into that was keeping me from moving forward.
Katie made things light and fun and easy. Her use of tapping helped me to release some heavy emotions that on my own I would have continued to avoid. I so enjoyed our work together and looked forward to each next session to see what we would uncover next! It was a magical rollercoaster ride. In the end I came out in a new energy, not chasing after people or looking to please them but staying rooted strong as a rainbow sunflower, being myself and beaming my light out to the world trusting that those who are attracted to me will come in the right timing. This was the perfect program for me, in the perfect timing and Katie was a trusted guide to take me there.
I'm so glad I dove in and took the chance (and the change!). Thank you Katie for sharing your magic and plant wisdom with me.”
Happy Client
“I came to Katie to support me through a difficult life transition and finding myself with a fried nervous system. I was drawn to her as she like me is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). My first session with Katie was calming and I felt really held as I moved through the different emotions and signals my body was giving me as we worked through a set of questions.
Katie held me energetically and with great presence and skill. When I became upset she held that space for me with calmness and compassion.
I came away feeling like I had some actual strategies that I could apply right away. Katie shared information with me about my nervous system which is really easy to navigate and apply which is so important when feeling overwhelmed.”
Happy Client
The "Need to Knows"
Each week, we’ll meet online for 60-90 minute sessions using Google Meet (similar to Zoom)
Call times on Tuesdays & Thursdays during school hours UK time
Two month payment plan is available just let me know
I only work with adults 18+
I do not work with PTSD, complex/severe trauma or severe mental health issues
I will teach you how to tap so there is no need to worry if you have never tapped before!
Choose the next step on your adventure
You can choose between jumping straight in and getting started on changing y(our) world by booking now
Or if you would prefer to chat first I invite you to book a free 30 minute Seeds of Possibility call with me.
We can then see if we are a good fit for working together in my 6 week programme.
Choose a good time below.
We'll chat about what life is like for you now and what you would like to change
I also want to hear about your desires! This is your time to dream and play in the realms of possibility (where I like to play!) and to get clear on your desires and what you would deeply like to be your reality.
We will then get present to the gap between where you are now and where you desire to be and I'll help you to tune in to whether now is the right time for you to change y(our) world.
There is absolutely no pressure, because if you're not really willing to do what it takes to change the energy then it is going to be an uphill struggle for both of us and that is definitely not what I am all about.